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This is a combined document for enabling the Jira Dropzone Data Source and Alert Source integrations.
The Dropzone platform supports Jira, a project management and issue tracking tool from Atlassian.
Dropzone's integration is only with the Jira Cloud, however support for on-prem Jira Datacenter is on the roadmap.
Jira requires an API to enable. The API key is associated with an account so you may wish to create a dedicated service user rather than using your own.
To obtain an API Key, do the following:
Log into your Jira account e.g. https://mycompany.atlassian.net as the API user for Dropzone AI
Click on your user icon and click "Manage Account"
Navigate to "Security" in the top banner
Under the header "API tokens", click on "Create and manage API tokens"
Click on "Create API token"
Enter a name to identify the API key, such as dropzone.ai, then click "Create"
Copy the API Token shown for use later in the Dropzone UI where it is called "API Token"
The Data source integration allows Dropzone AI to interact with your Jira environment to learn about your specific environment through information found in Jira tickets as part of performing investigations.
You'll need the following information:
The same as your company server url in Jira, eg mycompany.atlassian.net
The username of the account that created the API
API Token
The API token value you generated earlier
To enable the Data Source integration, do the following:
Navigate to your Dropzone AI tenant home page e.g. https://mycompany.dropzone.ai
Click System > Integrations
Click "Available"
In the Search bar, search Jira, then click "Configure"
Under the Data Source heading, input the Server, Username, and API Token
Under "Issue Scan Filter", you may input a Jira JQL query string to filter which issues may be scanned
Click "Test & Save" to finish
If you have any errors engage your Dropzone AI support representative.
The Data source integration allows Dropzone AI to interact with your Jira environment to retrieve alerts that were created inside Jira.
You'll need the following information:
The same as your company server url in Jira, eg mycompany.atlassian.net
The username of the account that created the API
API Token
The API token value you generated earlier
To enable the Alert Source integration, do the following:
Navigate to your Dropzone AI tenant home page e.g. https://mycompany.dropzone.ai
Click System > Integrations
Click "Available"
In the Search bar, search Jira, then click "Configure"
Under the Alert Source heading, input the Server, Username, and API Token
Under "Ticket alert workflow" select an option from the "Alert Extraction Strategy"
ask your Dropzone support representative if you do not know which to use
Under "Jira Issue Filter", you must input a Jira JQL search query to identify Jira tickets that contain alerts to investigate
Input your desired Poll interval and lookback
Click "Test & Save" to finish
If you have any errors engage your Dropzone AI support representative.