Google Workspace

This is a combined document for enabling the Google Workspace Dropzone AI Data Source and Alert Source.

The Dropzone AI platform integrates with Google Workspace APIs for ingesting alerts such as phishing reports and enriching investigations with data from Google Workspace such as directory information. This document describes how to set up API credentials and install them into the Dropzone platform.

Integration Overview

To enable these integrations you will perform the following actions:

  • Enable domain-wide delegation in Google Workspace

  • Create a Google Workspace admin role

  • Select integration parameters, such as which alert types to sync

The Dropzone platform has a dedicated service account for your organization. This service account uses domain-wide delegation to gain access to specific API scopes within your organization.

Enable Domain-Wide Delegation

The following steps walk you through granting access to the Google service account used by your Dropzone platform.

  • Navigate to your Dropzone AI tenant home page e.g.

  • Click System > Integrations

  • Click "Data Sources" in the top left corner

  • Find the Google Workplace tile and click "Connect"

  • Record the "CLIENT ID" field which will be used in the Google Admin interface

Next, enable the Dropzone AI application domain-wide delegation access to your Google Workspace environment.

As a full Google Workspace admin, perform the following steps:

  • In the sidebar, navigate to "Security" > "Access and Data Control" > "API Controls"

  • At the bottom, click Manage Domain Wide Delegation

  • Click "Add New" API Client

  • Enter the Client ID in the pop up

    • This is the ~21 digit number you recorded from the Dropzone UI earlier

  • Grant access to the following scopes by copy/pasting them into the "OAuth Scopes" line one-by-one






  • Click "Authorize" to finish

Choose or Create a Google Workspace Admin Account

Dropzone uses the Google Workspace Admin API to find information from your environment using a user within your org that has an Admin Role with necessary privileges.

The user you select could be a real human or a dedicated integration user. We suggest the latter to assure that personnel changes do not affect your integration. The integration user does not need a Google Workspace license, so it may be a free "Cloud Identity" user.

Note that Dropzone may request more permissions in the future as we add features.

Regardless which privileges you enable for your admin role, the Dropzone platform is restricted to the scopes that you granted in the "Set Up Domain Wide Delegation" section above.

To create and associate the new role you will perform the following actions:

  • Go to Account > Admin Roles > Create New Role

    • Name: "Dropzone AI Role"

    • Description: "Dropzone AI integrations"

  • Click "Continue"

  • You'll now be on the "Select Privileges" page

  • On this page enable the following:

    • Admin console privileges

      • Organizational Units > Read

      • Users > Read

      • Google Vault > Manage Audits

      • Gmail > Email log search

      • Gmail > Access Admin Quarantine

      • Gmail > Access Restricted Quarantines

      • Security Center > "This user has full ..." > Audit and Investigation > View

      • Security Center > "This user has full ..." > Audit and Investigation > View sensitive content

      • Security Center > Activity Rules > View

      • Security Center > Activity Rules > Manage

      • Alert Center > Full access

      • DLP > View DLP rule

      • DLP > Manage DLP rule

      • Reports

    • Admin API privileges

      • Organizational Units > Read

      • Users > Read

      • Groups > Read

  • Click "Continue"

There are two sections of this user interface, the "Admin Console Privileges" at top and "Admin API Privileges" further down the page; make sure you configure all the permissions from both sections.

  • Click "Assign Members" to add the role to the user you want for the Dropzone integration

    • Pick an existing admin or an account you created specifically for the Dropzone integration

Enable The Dropzone Data Source Integration

The Data source integration allows Dropzone AI to interact with Google Workspace to gather information for use in investigation analysis and interactive chat.

You'll need the following information:

Dropzone FieldSource

Admin Email

The email address of the admin in the new Dropzone AI role

Customer ID

Your Google Workspace customer id

The Customer ID can be found can be found at > Account > Account Settings ( or in the output of gam info domain. It's typically a ~9 character string starting with C.

To enable the Data Source integration, do the following:

  • Navigate to your Dropzone AI tenant home page e.g.

  • Click System > Integrations

  • In the upper left click on the "Data Sources" button in the upper left do configure the Google Workspace Data Source integration

  • Click "Data Sources" in the top left corner

  • Find the "Google Workspace" tile and click "Connect"

  • Input the "Admin Email" and "Customer ID"

  • Click "Test & Save" to finish

If you have any errors engage your Dropzone AI support representative.

Enable The Dropzone Alert Source Integration

The Alert source integration allows Dropzone AI to pull alerts from Exchange Online and Microsoft Defender for investigation.

You'll need the following information:

Dropzone FieldSource

Admin Email

The email address of the admin in the new Dropzone AI role

Customer ID

Your Google Workspace customer id

The Customer ID can be found can be found at > Account > Account Settings ( or in the output of gam info domain. It's typically a ~9 character string starting with C.

To enable the Alert Source integration, do the following:

  • Navigate to your Dropzone AI tenant home page e.g.

  • Click System > Integrations

  • In the upper left click on the "Alert Sources" button in the upper left do configure the Google Workspace Alert Source integration

  • Click "Alert Sources" in the top left corner

  • Find the "Google Workspace" tile and click "Connect"

  • Input the "Admin Email" and "Customer ID"

Choose a Phishing Ingest Mechanism

Dropzone can investigate phishing emails via multiple mechanisms.


Google Workspace Phishing Alerts

Dropzone processes Google Workspace phishing alerts. [Google phishing alerts may take up to 4 hours to appear]( after users click the "Report Phishing" button in Gmail)

None - this is a built-in Google Workspace capability

Leave "Enable mailbox-based phishing analysis" unchecked

Dedicated phishing mailbox

Dropzone polls a dedicated Google Workspace account for phishing emails to analyze

You must instruct your employees to forward suspected emails to a dedicated email box, or have a third-party reporting tool (typically a Gmail add-on) that creates the emails in the target mailbox

Check "Enable mailbox-based phishing analysis" and fill out "Phishing Processing via Mailbox" section

  • If you want to use Google Workspace Phishing Alerts you are done — you may press "Test & Save" now

  • If you want to process phishing emails from a dedicated box, then do the following:

    • Enter the email address of your dedicated phishing account in "Phishing Account Email Address"

    • Set a Gmail filter if only some of the messages in this phishing account should be processed. For example some third-party tools may modify the subject to include "Phishing Alert", in which case you can use a Gmail filter like subject:"Phishing Alert" to limit processing to these messages

    • If you use a third-party tool that includes the original email as an attachment then check the "Prefer RFC822 message attachment, when present" button

Finalize Alert Source Integration

  • Click "Test & Save" to finish

You should begin ingesting alerts immediately.

If you have any errors engage your Dropzone AI support representative.

Last updated